The two biggest differences between Manychat and Ochatbot are that Manychat requires the use of Facebook to communicate and Manychat is built for gathering leads and support via Facebook and is not a fully functional AI eCommerce chatbot.  

Manychat is powered by Facebook and its Instant Messenger. To use and build ManyChat, you have to have a Facebook account, this limits the number of shoppers and customers that will chat. If the shopper is unwilling to log into their Facebook account and or agree to Facebook’s terms and conditions sharing all of their data for marketing then it will not work.

ManyChat’s eCommerce features are limited to Shopify access to the checkout page. This allows features like abandoned cart and order status. Ochatbot allows access to all eCommerce platforms and can not only do the basic features of abandoned cart and order status but also recommend products pulling the product data from the eCommerce platforms database and allow the shopper to add to cart. Ochatbot can also recommend products based on the interests and other products the Shopper has selected. Finally, the reporting in Ochatbot show provides insight into why shoppers are not purchasing.

If your customers are primarily on Facebook and have agreed to be contacted via instant messenger then remarketing and reminding customers works well. Ochatbot does work on Facebook however Manychat has additional Facebook marketing features. Manychat also can communicate via SMS texting when the customer grants permission. 

Both systems have templates to start building your chatbot quickly. Manychat has 25 and Ochatbot has over 80. One important distinction is that Manychat is created with a set of prescripted conversational flow. For example, do you want XYZ, yes or no? Whereas Ochatbot also has true AI where a shopper can jump from one topic to another in a natural way mimicking a human conversation. The AI is also learning and getting smarter over time.

Generative and Scripted AI to engage shoppers in conversational eCommerce.

Create happy customers while growing your business!

  • 1 out of 4 shoppers make a purchase on average*

  • 5% to 35% Increase in AOV*

  • 25% to 45% Reduction in Support Tickets


*When shoppers engage with Ochatbot®

Chatbot Features

Features Ochatbot ManyChat
Independent from FB (FB not required) Yes No
Integrate to all eCommerce platforms Yes No
Search product database Yes No
Add to cart from chat window Yes Yes
View product details from chat window Yes Yes
Order status and tracking Yes Yes
Recommend products (cross-sell) Yes No
Abandoned cart Yes Yes
Page targeting Yes No
Zapier integration Yes Yes
SMS integration No Yes
AI training Yes No
AI ability to switch conversation topics in real-time Yes No
AI conversational eCommerce (typed, without buttons) Yes No
NLP (Natural Language Processing) Yes No
Live chat built-in Yes Yes
Integrate with 3rd party live chat platforms Yes No
Unlimited SKU's Yes No
Unlimited conversations Yes No
Unlimited Interactions Yes No
Saved Conversations Yes No
Prebuilt standard intents Yes No

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Greg Ahern
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