Lately, you may have found it hard to browse the internet without coming across the term generative AI. While generative AI isn’t exactly new–it started in the 1960s with chatbots–and it has gone through several moments of hype, it wasn’t until OpenAI’s release of ChatGPT in 2020 that the concept of generative AI stopped seeming like a sci-concept and more like a valuable tool that could change the way we do things. To make a comparison of the significance of this technology, generative AI LLM (Large Language Model) is to AI what the Human Genome Project breakthrough was to biology.

What is Generative AI?

Generative AI refers to a type of artificial intelligence system designed to analyze and generate content, such as text, images, audio, or even video, based on patterns and data it has learned from. 

Why are we all talking about generative AI?

The release of ChatGPT certainly made the proposed abilities of generative AI suddenly seem useful to the average person. ChatGPT can write essays, code, tell stories, create SEO content, generate recipes, and more within a matter of seconds. The hype garnered ChatGPT over a million users within a week of launching. Of course, other companies scrambled to release their own generative AI models to compete, including Google with Bard and Microsoft with Bing AI.

Other tools, such as art generators like Midjourney AI and DALL-E 2, have also exploded in popularity. There are also new companies that specialize in designing LLMs for specific applications. 

How Generative AI Works

Generative AI has many use cases. It works by analyzing and grouping a large amount of data. Then, it uses probabilities to generate new data that are similar to the input data it was trained on.

How Generative Image Recognition and Creation Works

Image recognition starts by analyzing the image as a matrix of numbers, which represent pixel colors and positions. Images can be in different formats like PNG, GIF, JPG. In machine learning, the system analyzes thousands of images and groups them based on similarities. A training set labels certain images (e.g., this is an image of a cat), and the system finds similarities between the training data and the clusters of images.

To generate a new image (e.g., a cat with a mustache), the system uses complex algorithms that generate new images based on learned patterns, not just image manipulation algorithms. If you ask it to create an image of a giggling cat with a mustache, it will apply learned patterns of “giggling” facial expressions to the image.

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How Text-based Generative AI like ChatGPT Works

The first step in text-based generative AI is to convert words into numerical representations, often referred to as vectors. There are several techniques used for this, such as word embeddings or transformers.

For example, consider the sentence “A cat with a mustache was giggling”. In a simplified representation, we could assign each unique word a unique number, like this:

A = 1
cat = 2
with = 3
a = 4
mustache = 5
was = 6
giggling = 7

Then, the sentence “A cat with a mustache was giggling” would be represented as the sequence 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

However, in practice, the process is much more complex. Each word is represented by a high-dimensional vector that captures its semantic meaning and context within the sentence. These vectors are not simply assigned numbers but are learned from the data during the training process.

Once the text (or voice converted to text) is converted into vectors, the Large Language Model (LLM) analyzes the sequence to determine patterns. It then generates a response based on the highest probability of the next word or token in the sequence.

The AI generates a sequence of vectors that it believes is the most likely response to the input. These vectors are then converted back into text, forming the AI’s response. This process allows the AI to generate coherent and contextually appropriate responses.

What is RAG, Retrieval-Augmented Generation? 

RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) securely analyzes your data and uses the LLM for text analysis and generation. Your data does not update the underlying language model, but the model uses this data to generate responses. For example, if you wanted all your support tickets and FAQs to be used as the data set for questions being asked, a RAG system will generate answers based on that data set, not from the data the LLM was trained on.

Types of Generative AI

Generative AI, much like a versatile toolbox, comes equipped with various techniques, each tailored to excel in specific creative endeavors. Let’s explore some of the popular methods that constitute the diverse spectrum of Generative AI:

GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks)

Generative Adversarial Networks, or GANs, operate in a unique way that mimics a creative showdown between two entities: a generator and a discriminator. Here’s a closer look at how GANs function:

Generator: The generator is the artist in this dynamic duo. It’s tasked with crafting content, be it images, text, or other forms of data. Initially, it starts with randomness, generating content that may be far from perfect but continually improving.

Discriminator: The discriminator, on the other hand, serves as a relentless art critic. It evaluates the content generated by the generator, discerning between authentic and fabricated creations. Its role is to provide constructive feedback by distinguishing real from fake.

This interplay of creation and critique forms a competitive loop. The generator strives to produce content that the discriminator cannot distinguish from authentic human creations. Over time, this competition drives the generator to produce remarkable and increasingly convincing outputs. The result is a creative process that often surprises with its ingenuity, producing content that pushes the boundaries of what’s possible.

VAEs (Variational Autoencoders) and RNNs (Recurrent Neural Networks)

In the realm of Generative AI, GANs are just the tip of the iceberg. Let’s delve into two other noteworthy techniques that broaden the palette of creative possibilities:

Variational Autoencoders (VAEs): VAEs approach generative tasks differently. They are adept at capturing the essence of data and are especially useful for tasks like data compression and denoising. Think of them as efficient data condensers, extracting the most critical information while discarding the noise. This makes them invaluable for tasks where data efficiency and quality are paramount.

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs): RNNs specialize in generating sequences, making them the go-to choice for tasks involving text generation, music composition, and more. They function like a digital composer or storyteller, weaving intricate sequences based on learned patterns. In a way, RNNs are the magic wand of AI, conjuring sequences of notes, words, or data with a touch of computational wizardry.

These diverse techniques offer unique strengths and capabilities, allowing Generative AI to adapt to an array of creative challenges. Whether it’s the competitive artistry of GANs, the data compression finesse of VAEs, or the sequence-generation prowess of RNNs, each method contributes to the rich tapestry of Generative AI’s creative potential.

Generative AI Applications in Various Fields

Generative AI, while rooted in complex technology, yields applications that are accessible and relevant to people across diverse domains. Let’s explore some real-world examples of how Generative AI is making an impact:

Art and Design

It feels like 2022 into 2023 was mainly dominated by discussions surrounding AI art generators. Programs like Midjourney AI and DALL-E were frequently making headlines for their impressive artistic renditions and ease of applications. AI art generators can produce mesmerizing artworks, ranging from abstract compositions to photorealistic landscapes. Artists can collaborate with these digital “assistants,” generating fresh ideas and exploring new creative frontiers.

Music Composition

Composers and musicians are finding inspiration in Generative AI. It can generate original musical compositions, creating harmonies, melodies, and rhythms that resonate with listeners. This technology has even facilitated experimentation with entirely new genres and soundscapes. 

If you have spent any time on social media, you may have also come across AI parodies of popular songs. One of the dominating trends on the social media app TikTok is to take beloved cartoon and anime characters and use their voice to sing popular songs. Characters like Plankton, Naruto, and Goku can be found belting out Keyshia Cole’s Love or Sia’s Chandelier. 

Literature and Writing

Since the release of ChatGPT, Amazon’s selp-publishing has seen an explosion of AI written content. Writers and storytellers are embracing Generative AI to assist in the creative process. Some writers who use the program describe it as a brainstorming buddy that can help them get out of plotholes, while others say that it is useful for writing the book they’ve always dreamed of. It can craft compelling narratives, generate poetry, and even aid in content generation for various purposes, including marketing and journalism. 

Film and Entertainment

In the entertainment industry, Generative AI is employed to create stunning visual effects, generate realistic animations, and even draft scripts.  For example, it can be used to create realistic-looking explosions, fires, and other special effects. It can also be used to create digital doubles of actors, which can be used for stunts or to de-age actors. Pixar, so a fantastic use case for AI in the development of their movie Elementals, which created a new method of animating continuous fire.


Generative AI is having a major impact on the gaming industry. It is allowing developers to create games that are more realistic, immersive, and engaging than ever before.

Specifically, generative AI can generate intricate game levels, create lifelike characters, and even craft dynamic storylines that adapt to players’ choices. This allows gamers to experience a richer and more immersive gaming environment.

In addition to these applications, generative AI is also being used to create realistic-looking environments, interactive objects, and sound effects. This further enhances the gaming experience and makes games more enjoyable for players.

Healthcare and Drug Discovery

Generative AI is also having a major impact on the healthcare industry. In drug discovery, generative AI can be used to analyze vast datasets of chemical compounds to identify potential drugs for treatment. This can help to accelerate the drug discovery process and to reduce the cost of developing new drugs. In personalized medicine, generative AI can be used to develop treatments that are tailored to the individual patient’s needs. This can be done by analyzing the patient’s genetic data and medical history. It can also improve the accuracy and efficiency of medical imaging and design clinical trials.

E-commerce and Personalization

Generative AI is being used in e-commerce to enhance user experiences by offering personalized product recommendations and chatbot interactions. This personalization is achieved by analyzing a user’s past purchase history and browsing behavior to recommend products that they are likely to be interested in. It can also be used to create chatbots that can answer customer questions and provide personalized assistance.

This personalization can improve the customer experience in many ways. It can make it easier for customers to find the products they are looking for, it can help them save time, and it can make them feel more valued as customers. As a result, generative AI can lead to increased customer engagement and satisfaction.

Here are some specific examples of how generative AI is being used in e-commerce:

Personalized product recommendations: Amazon uses generative AI to recommend products to customers based on their past purchase history, browsing behavior, and search history.

Chatbots: Ochatbot is an e-commerce chatbot that can answer customer questions about products and provide personalized recommendations.

Conversational Search: Ometrics creates custom products that use AI to understand what a user is searching for in complex and large e-commerce sites.

Language Translation and Communication

Generative AI is increasingly bridging language barriers. It aids in real-time language translation, making communication across different languages more accessible and efficient.

Scientific Research and Data Analysis

Researchers harness Generative AI to analyze complex datasets, generate hypotheses, and explore new scientific frontiers. It assists in fields as diverse as astronomy, genomics, and climate modeling.

Finance and Investment

In the financial sector, Generative AI supports risk assessment, stock market predictions, and algorithmic trading strategies. It aids investors in making informed decisions in a dynamic financial landscape.

Ethical and Legal Concerns Around AI-Generated Content

With the immense power that Generative AI wields, it brings forth profound ethical and legal concerns:

Authenticity: AI-generated content raises questions about authenticity. How do we discern between human-generated and AI-generated content, and what are the implications for trust and credibility? There are already talks of stamps or watermarks to identify AI-generated material and Google has recently launched a tool called SynthID that allows users to generate watermarks for AI images.

Bias: AI models trained on biased datasets may perpetuate existing biases in generated content, potentially leading to discrimination and social harm. For instance, an AI system trained on data from a specific demographic group may disproportionately favor that group while unintentionally discriminating against others. Research already shows that different AI models are rife with political biases.

Privacy: The evolution of AI’s ability to create realistic content introduces significant privacy concerns. Generative AI models often rely on vast sets of personal data for training, processing sensitive information ranging from photographs to personal text records. Despite anonymization, potential threats persist, particularly as these models could inadvertently learn and reproduce sensitive data, leading to unintentional privacy leaks. Furthermore, the creation of highly convincing deepfakes raises alarm surrounding issues of identity theft, cyberbullying, and the propagation of misinformation.

Intellectual Property: Generative AI, with its capacity to create unique output, blurs the lines of authorship and intellectual property rights. The question of who owns the copyright to a piece of art, music, or written work produced autonomously by a machine is a complex issue yet to be adequately addressed. Does the copyright belong to the developer who designed and trained the AI, or perhaps to the AI itself? Currently, our legal system is built around human authorship, making the treatment of AI-generated intellectual property a complex and increasingly urgent conundrum.

Moral Responsibility: As creators and implementers of AI, we are faced with a vital question: who carries the ethical burden for the decisions made or actions initiated by an AI system? This discussion is increasingly pertinent as AI’s potential impact broadens, reminding us that we must consider the ethical implications parallelly while we advance our technology.

Regulation: The need for thoughtful legislation that effectively governs the landscape of AI-generated content has never been more urgent. The challenge lies in striking an equitable balance: nurturing and promoting technological innovation while simultaneously safeguarding individual and societal rights and values. 

Navigating these ethical and legal challenges is crucial to harnessing the full potential of Generative AI responsibly and ethically. As we continue to push the boundaries of creativity and innovation, we must also ensure that the power of AI serves the betterment of society while mitigating its potential pitfalls.

What Generative AI tools can you use now?

Some popular AI tools you can try out now include the following:

Character AI: Character AI is a chatbot that allows users to find or create a character to interact with. Characters include those based on books, TV shows, and movies, as well as real people.

ChatGPT – ChatGPT is probably one of the most well-known generative AI tools out there. ChatGPT is your personal assistant capable of answering and producing content on a variety of topics. – Copy AI is a writing tool that makes it easier for content creators to produce higher-level content, from emails to taglines to blog posts.

GitHub Copilot – GitHub Copilot is an AI pair programmer that turns natural language prompts into coding suggestions. 

GrammarlyGO – Grammarly’s AI tool for content creation. GrammarlyGo can construct outlines, brainstorm, draft, and more.

Midjourney AI – Midjourney is an AI-powered art generator tool with a bent toward fantastical styles. – Perplexity AI is a search engine and chatbot that uses AI to provide answers to user queries. It uses natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning to search the web in real-time and offer up-to-date information. 

Pika – Pika uses generative AI to allow users to create videos based off of text and image prompts. 

Pix – Created by Likewise, Pix is an AI chatbot that gives media recommendations. Simply ask it any entertainment question and receive personalized picks for movies, books, tv shows, and more. 

Sembly – Sembly is an AI tool that helps make meetings a breeze. Sembly can attend meetings for you and make meeting summaries, among other things.

Suno AI – Suno AI is a musical creation tool that uses AI to generate songs with vocals, lyrics, and instrumentation based on text prompts. 


Generative AI is not the exclusive domain of tech aficionados—it’s a tool that beckons to all, inviting us to witness its potential to transform our creative horizons and reshape entire industries. 

The beauty of Generative AI lies in its accessibility. You don’t need to be fluent in complex terminology to appreciate its profound impact. The potential is limitless, and the future is brimming with opportunities to harness the power of Generative AI in ways yet unimagined.

The future of Generative AI thus propels us forward in a delicate balancing act – one where the scales are tipped between impressive technological milestones and the preservation of valuable societal norms and regulations.

Frequently Asked Questions


  1. How long does it take for a Generative AI model to be adequately trained?

The training time for a Generative AI model greatly depends on various factors, including the complexity of the model, the size and type of the dataset, and the computational resources available. This process could take anywhere from a few hours to several weeks or even months.

  1. Can Generative AI completely replace human involvement in creative and complex tasks?

While Generative AI is significantly advancing and can generate highly creative content, it still lacks the intuitive understanding and emotional senses inherently present in humans. Therefore, it’s more feasible to view AI as a powerful tool that complements human creativity rather than a replacement. AI can help with generating initial ideas, automating routine tasks, or exploring vast possibility spaces, but human intuition, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence remain crucial in the creative process.

  1. What is the level of accuracy and coherence in content generated by current AI systems?

The accuracy and coherence of AI-generated content have improved remarkably, as in the case of GPT-3 text generation. However, the quality depends on various factors, including the quality and diversity of the input data, the complexity of the task, and the specific AI model employed. Despite these advancements, AI-generated content might still occasionally miss subtle cues, fail to maintain long-term coherence in narratives, or generate content that might not make sense. Although tremendous progress has been made, there’s ongoing work to ensure the content generated by AI is as accurate and coherent as possible.

  1. How can we ensure the privacy of data used to train Generative AI models?

Ensuring privacy in Generative AI models is a complex task. Data anonymization, where personally identifiable information is removed or modified, is a commonly used technique. Differential privacy, which adds statistical noise to data to ensure individual privacy, is another method. Furthermore, stringent data handling and usage policies are crucial, alongside constant improvement of stout cybersecurity measures.

  1. Can the bias in Generative AI be completely eliminated, and if so, how?

Eliminating bias completely is challenging as AI models learn from data, which may unwittingly contain human biases. However, steps can be taken to minimize bias. Using diverse and representative datasets for training, implementing algorithmic fairness measures, and bias-auditing of AI models are some approaches. It’s a strenuous and ongoing task involving careful design, rigorous testing, and a commitment to ethics in AI.

Greg Ahern
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